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Weekly Political and Scientific Newspaper - A East Turkistan News Agency Publication

News Headings

27  March  2002,  Issue: 10

1 ) Chinese government uses the case of Tursunjan Emet as an excuse to strengthen its fight against the religious activities, and even to extend the oppression to the national literature and education

Eastern Turkistan Information Center, our correspondent Bugda reports from Homeland, February 21:
Dear compatriots, as you well know, on January 1, 2002 the Congress was called up in the in the capital of Eastern Turkistan at the “people’s palace of arts”
At this congress a quite an interesting case was brought up to the public’s attention. The fascist Chinese regime used the terrible case of the young Uighur, Tursunjan Emet, as an excuse to put pressure in the ideology front in Eastern Turkistan and to extend this fight and oppression of the religious activities into oppression of the national culture and education system as well........  (
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2. Radio Discussion

The President of Eastern Turkistan Information Center, Mr. A. Karakash gave an interview to the correspondent of Radio Liberty Hasanjan about the situation in Eastern Turkistan:
As we have informed the public before, the Chinese regime recently has launched in Eastern Turkistan “intensified struggle against the nationalist separatists.” From the beginning of March the Chinese authorities really hardened this policy..... (
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3. Our correspondent Uchqun reports from Urumchi city:

On March 18 in each district of Urumchi city the conference of the delegates of the armed forces and military academies was called up. This time the representatives of the military units with personnel of more than 100 staff participated at the 7-day conference.... (click here)

4.  Our correspondent Muz Davan reports from Aqsu region:

The public security force in the Aqsu region has called up recently a meeting to celebrate the best workers. The public security department has honored the most active agents, and handed in prizes of 100 thousand Yuan to agents who actively participated in finding and arresting runaway criminals during the first half of this year....... (click here)

5.  Eastern Turkistan people face even harder limitations of freedom of speech.

Our correspondent Tomur Chogi reports on March 15 from Homeland:
As it is widely known, the Communist Chinese regime has intensified its fascist oppression in the so-called “education in the field of fight against the nationalist separatists “ in Eastern Turkistan. All the mass media channels in Eastern Turkistan – radio, TV, literature, journals, newspapers, press, science and technology, religious affairs – are totally controlled by the Chinese regime. The freedom of speech and access to uncensored information is limited...... (
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©1997-2002 ETIC.  27  March  2002  Designed By A. Karakash