China needs Eastern Turkestan

Famous Production and Construction Plant in Bingtuan hires specialists and workers only from inner Chinese regions

Western countries are worried about China and Yugoslavia relations

Letter from Motherland:

Secret and deceptive information in Uzbekistan

Abdulmelik Han asked Turkish authorities to help Turks in Afganistan




Weekly Political and Scientific Newspaper - A Eastern Turkistan News Agency Publication

News Headings

22 August 2000,  Issue: 02

China needs Eastern Turkestan

On  August 8, a Turkish newspaper  published an article "China needs Eastern Turkestan" devoted to Eastern Turkestan. According to the  article China regards  Eastern Turkestan as its industrial reserve center. Official sources underline that oil, oil products, natural gas, cotton and cotton thread, and cattle reserves of Eastern Turkestan will be enough to feed large part of Chinese population. Having this in mind Chinese government intends to invest into Eastern...  (click here)

Famous Production and Construction Plant in Bingtuan hires specialists and workers only from inner Chinese regions

According to the information placed on the Xinjiang news web-site on the 11-th of August famous production and construction plant in Bingtuan hires only graduates from inner Chinese higher schools. This trend can be clearly observed since 1991. An information on this site says that since 1991 special actions on hiring Chinese graduates from inner China .... ( click here)

Western countries are worried about China and Yugoslavia relations

Western diplomats are seriously worried about Chinese-Siberian relations, which considerably increased after NATO's punishment actions against Yugoslavia. According to the official statistics after Nato's actions against Yugoslavia more than 100 thousand Chinese people moved to Yugoslavia and this.... (click here)

Letter from Motherland:

Our brothers in Central Asia must appreciate the value of freedom

In my childhood memories I clearly remember that we had been taught to underestimate situation in USSR. I remember that relations of China and USSR were in extremely situation. Radio, television always were talking about bad state of things in USSR. Wind of changes changed a lot both in Europe and USSR and in the world in general. Within last 10 years Turkic countries in Central Asia have acquired their independence. Who could.... (click here)

Secret and deceptive information in Uzbekistan

Muhhamet Salih
( Leader of Uzbek Democratic Party )

Frankly speaking it would be better to head my article as Mass Media in colonist countries. Because such kind of mass media is well known to Germans, who lived at the time of Nazi regime. We, who lived at the time of the Soviet era also know about such mass media. Mass media in colonist countries have two main features regardless if it is an asian or european country. First feature is fraud and the second one is immorality! Jozef Gebbels , a leader of Nazi said that " The better and the stronger the fraud, the more people ..... (click here)

Abdulmelik Han asked Turkish authorities to help Turks in Afganistan

Recently Abdulmelik Han, Leader of Uzbek opposition to the Taliban forces in Afganistan met Abdulhalik Cay, Turkish Government Affaires Comissar. During their meeting Abdulmelik Han asked Turkish authorities to help Turkic people living in the northern part of Afganistan. Abdulmelik Han also emphasized that only Turkic people were left without help, while other nations temporarly receive support. According to the official sources, Uzbek opposition with General Rashit Dostum and Abdulmelik Han at the head were fighting... (click here)


1. Brief accounts on the military forces in Eastern Turkestan Eastern Turkestan serves as one of the biggest military regions of the Communist China and one of fourth parts of the People's Liberation Army of  China is located in Eastern Turkestan. Though some foreign experts consider that about 1 million Chinese soldiers are garrisoned  in Eastern Turkestan,  but according to the official information given in the "Xinjiang annual" published by the Chinese government, 39 divisions of the PLA camp in this area. These divisions are the following: 1. "36103", 2."36139", 3."36148", 4. "36148", 5. "36106", 6. "36179", 7.   "36149", 8."36146", 9."36110", 10. "36178", 11. "36042", 12. "36007",  13."36141", 14."36220", 15. "36101", 16. "36012", 17."36921", 18.  "36131",  19."36917", 20. "36106", 21. "36105", 22. "36107", 23. "36054", 24. "36173",  25. "36171", 26. "36229", 27."36229", 28. "36226", 29. "36918", 30. "36109",  31. "36110", 32."36032", 33. "36429", 34. "36211", 35. "36318", 36. "87141  (air forces)", 37. "23642", 38. "36224", 39. "8660".  According to the official figures given in "Xinjiang annual",  every year .... (click here)

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