Weekly Political and Scientific Newspaper - A Eastern Turkistan News Agency Publication

4 . Our correspondent Muz Davan reports from Aqsu region:

The public security force in the Aqsu region has called up recently a meeting to celebrate the best workers. The public security department has honored the most active agents, and handed in prizes of 100 thousand Yuan to agents who actively participated in finding and arresting runaway criminals during the first half of this year.
According to official sources, over 70 fugitives were caught up in the Aqsu region. Most of these fugitives were accused of political offences and most of them were Uighurs. The police and security forces decided to motivate their agents and collaborationists by giving money awards to intensify the anti-Uighur policies and persecution of national liberation fighters.

Recently in western parts of Eastern Turkistan, in several towns and cities the police have arrested several locals on charges of killing donkeys and selling their meat illegally at marketplaces. The criminals sold on average meat of 40-50 donkeys. They processed the meat in special machines and portioned parts of donkey’s corps. The arrested criminals confessed that their Chinese masters sold the meat to
Shop owners for 3-4 Yuan per kilo. The owner of the illegal slaughterhouse also confessed that he sold some part of meat to the near food production plant. Presently in Urumchi and other cities there are many dirty cafeterias owned by the ethnic Chinese who pretend to be Dungans (Muslim minority in China) and who sell their filthy and cheap food to Uighur schoolchildren. The Uighur customers did not even know that they ate donkey-meet.
However, even though the Chinese police have arrested the criminals on charges of operating slaughterhouse illegally, they did not do anything in order to prevent in future the cases of trading filthy meet to Uighur customers.

March 20, 2002

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