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Weekly Political and Scientific Newspaper - A Eastern Turkistan News Agency Publication

2) Sixth Grade Child Arrested in Kashgar

March 25, 2002, Abdullah Pamir reports from East Turkistan.

In aftermath of September 11, Chinese authorities launched a political campaign "To fight against separatism in Xinjiang" that is seriously disrupting lives of local people. In particular in schools, various political study campaigns have replaced school curriculum, and the normal school life has completely been paralyzed.

Protesting this situation, on March 14, Ablikim Yaqup, a student of Kashgar Secondary School # 4, climbed on a flag pole in front of the school, took off the Chinese flag, and teared it. The absence of the flag was not noticed for three days. After several days, Ablikim wrote an anonymous letter to the school principle, Parhat. Ablikim wrote,

"Principle Parhat, stop nonsense political studies, and let us study our normal classes. If you don't, I learned how to make a bomb in my chemistry class, and I will not hesitate to make and use it. I am the person who took the Chinese flag off, and I would put the East Turkistani flag on its place if I found one. You should know that we, the students of sixth grade, are ready for a battle."

The school administration reported immediately to their authorities about this incident. The local city government was confused on what to do.
The city communist party and police chiefs gathered at the school to resolve this issue. Police intensively searched the school premises.
They inspected handwritings of all students and singled out Ablikim.
Ablikim was immediately arrested and interrogated. Ablikim told to police everything about his deeds and motives without any fear.

After the incident the school principle, Parhat, and a teacher responsible for Ablikim's class were fired, and the authorities hold them responsible for the incident.

©1996-2002  ETIC.   April  3, 2002  A. Karakash