Deadly Armed Clashes Reported In Kashgar

Clashes In Kashgar Connected With Baren Incident

Religious Leader Is Sentenced In Hotan

Young Uighur Fugitive Dies In Forest Near Aksu:

Uighur Liberation Movement - Main Target Of "Strike Hard" Campaign

Tarim Jails Overcrowded With Political Prisoners

A Memorial To Uighurs In A Turkish City



Weekly Political and Scientific Newspaper - A Eastern Turkistan News Agency Publication


[By Erkin Tarim, East Turkistan Information Center, 2/22/01]

A Turkish city Tarsus is considered an important point on the famous Silk Road. In old days, Muslim pilgrims from East Turkistan traveled to Mecca passing on their way Tarsus and Chukurova.

In 1918, 26 Uighurs led by Haji Yoldash reached Tarsus on their way to Mecca. At that time, Tarsus was occupied by the French army, and the Turks were fighting against the occupants. The Uighurs joined the people of Tarsus in their fight against the French, and 16 of them were killed in the battles and buried in a local cemetery.
In 1994 Burhaniddin Kocaman, a mayor of Tarsus, decreed to rebury remains of the fallen Uighur Turkistanians to a special place and to construct a memorial minaret for the Turkistanians. Today two flags with a crescent and a star, the red Turkish and the sky blue East Turkistanian flags, are flying over the minaret reminding people of brotherhood of the two peoples.

©1997-2001 ETIC.   15 March, 2001  DesĄgned By A. Karakash