The new Chinese Passport Regulations
According to the Chinese media
and the information broad from Eastern Turkistan,
China has eased for its citizens an access to
obtaining their passports in lights of it acceptance
to the World Trade Organisation (WTO). According to
the rules of this organization any citizen of an adult
age should be able to obtain a passport within a 15
days for his/her travel, entrance/exit, lifting a
previous exit permission cards and more 6 additional
regulations. This news was broadcasted on TV many
times and was greeted with enthusiasm by Uighurs.
Its well-known Uighurs are having problems in getting
passports and traveling abroad since Chinese officials
try to minimize foreign contacts for Uighurs as much
as they can. If the policies announced are indeed true
it will ease an access for many Uighurs to travel and
get into the contact with the outer world. But many
suppose that these policies will not be implemented as
announced. Since the Chinese government is
establishing a double standard policy for inner China
and Eastern Turkistan region, adopting a different
policies for Uighur population and Chinese. Orders
issued in the Centre are implemented differently in
the region due to the "local policy". It is an already
existed practice of discrimination in getting
passports for Uighurs and ethnic Chinese in Eastern