Terrorist attacks on America and
(Adil Muhanmet kali)
The terrorist’s attacks carried out on World Trade
Center in New York and US Defense Ministry building
the Pentagon on September 11th 2001 have caused the
tragic death of the thousands innocent people. The
world community denounced such criminal acts and
called the government of USA to punish hard those
involved in these attacks and dark forces who are
harboring killers.
Although China has expressed its condolences to the
government of USA it restrained itself in
participating US-led coalition of the military action
against the government of Taliban, which shelters
terrorists. Once again, it showed its double-standard
face attitude regarding to the US, free countries of
the world and on Uyghurs issue.
On September 18th, the speaker of the China’s Ministry
of Foreign Affairs Zhu Bang Zao have said the
following: “US have to get sanction from UN to strike
against Afghanistan, China is the member of the
council of security at UN, it has veto right and
America should except and understand the need of
military action against Moslems in China’s Xinjiang.
These are our conditions for the approval of America’s
military action”. Together with this the secretary of
the Department of the Religious Affairs at the Chinese
Embassy in USA Hi Yashi Fi have said regarding to
Uyghur: “There were several bomb explosions in this
region, these are terroristic activities and China
consider itself as a victim, and we will investigate
who are behind those terrorists”. With this statements
the Communist Chinese authorities have supported its
own Ben Laden’s type terrorism, showed real attitude
to the free world coalition fight led by US against
the international terrorism and of being itself the
enemy of the democracy and once more accused Uyghur by
attributing terrorism to the whole nation.
The world community knows that since the occupation of
the Eastern Turkistan in 1949 Bejing rulers have
carring out the policy of State terror against Uyhurs
and depriving them of their rights in economic,
political and cultural aspects. From our recent
history we recall the events in April of 1990 in Barin,
on 7 July 1995 , and in Guldja in 1997, when the
peaceful demonstrators without even a stick in their
hands have demanded democratic changes, freedom and
human rights in their own Motherland were killed by
thousands and the streets turned blood-mocked by
so-called Chinese Liberation Army. In contrary the
Chinese military with its one million troops stationed
in the region together with three million pro-military
Bangtun units exercise with the blood stained sword in
their hands raised over Uyghur who does not have any
military and armor…. Amnesty International in its 92
pages long report dated from 1999 have acknowledged to
the world killing of more than 200 innocent Uyghur by
Chinese Authorities who were labeled as splitist and
religious extremists. The execution of the political
prisoners in China is known only in Eastern Turkistan.
Such killings took place since the April of this year
and are undergone in “Strike Hard” campaign launched
by Authorities and have intensified ever since.
According to the reliable sources the number of those
actually executed are well more one hundred. What is
the possible relationship of Uyghur in Xinjiang (which
by Chinese authorities themselves called a paradise
for Han and a hell for Uyghur) with Ben Laden. Or were
there any bombings plotted by Uyghurs in Shanghai,
Beijing or anywhere else in China? Lies to which
Beijing Officials have no answer! Because Beijing
itself is connected with terrorism of which its trying
accused Uyghurs. Uyghur never heard of Ben Laden
before the attacks. On the other hand those Chinese
envoys who regularly went to Afghanistan and Pakistan
over the course of the last twenty years are partially
responsible for the death of more than 6 million
Afghanis in fueling the fire of the conflict by
military donations. Saying it openly Uyghur have no
connection with Usama Bin Laden. On contrary Chinese
government do have close relationship with Taliban
Regime and Bin Laden. China through the means of its
qousi-chinese country is trying to expand and
establish the new sphere of influence in the region.
In fact, not so long time ago China had acknowledged
its relationship with Taliban Regime who supports Bin
Laden. Chinese officials have tried to accused Uyghur
in all wrong doings labeling them as “terrorist,
splitist” and the need to “destroy them”.
America and the American Government’s view on this
issue is well know. America knows well who is its
enemy and who is its friend. On the statement released
September 18th from the American committee “people
against the Chinese Communist Propaganda” stated: “We
calling all freedom loving nations to support claim of
Uyghur of Eastern Turkistan. Uyghur are muslim and
denouncing the terrorist attacks as well as other
muslims of the world. But the Chinese government wants
to portray Uyghur as Bin Laden’s people in getting
American support in its own crackdown on Uyghur”. The
committee appealed to American Government to follow
its independent policy. As the recent Tibet and Uyghur
Liberation Movements awarding is the source of the
great inspiration for the call against inhumane
Communist Chinese Oppression. In spite of the Jiang
Zemin’s support of Slobodan Milocevich and critique on
American coalition and NATO policies in Bosnia and
Kosowo the late butcher is under the international
trial now. With the God’s will Jiang Zemin will also
face charges on his brutality against Uyghur nation