20.04.2009 01:42According to Chinese media news reports, recently,
China and Kazakstan natural gas pipeline
construction officially started. Actually this is
China – central Asian pipeline that start from
Turkmanstan , trough from Kazakstan, Uzbekstan ,
East Turkistan( Xinjiang) to central China. Pipe
line is about13,000km long. in 30 years China would
annually export 30biliion cubic meter natural gas
from Turkmenistan if the pipe line is completed.
This makes Russia worry as China not only actively
look for other energy sources but also trying to put
greater control in Central Asia. In 2006, China and
Russia have signed for memorandum of natural gas
supply from Russia to China, but because of price
conflict, the energy deal has not been implemented.
Russian media expressing the concern of oil market
in China and further conflict between Russian
Gazprom interest and China - the Central Asian gas
pipeline. In fact, Russia should have more geo-
political reason to worry. However, American
presence in Central Asia put Russia in position that
keeps good Sino – Russia relations despite the grown
Chinese influence in Central Asia. Being more
experienced with Chinese geo- political strategy,
people of East Turkistan deeply worrying about
central Asian energy cooperation with China and many
of them concerning as: “if Central Asian countries
divorced from Russia and cooperate with China, they
would become second East Turkistan. China would try
to intensify its demographic expansion as well
through using economic cooperation.”
Only 4% Chinese population in East Turkistan when
it was annexed by China in 1949, Chinese population
increased to 48% and make Uyghur people
disadvantaged minority in their own land today.
Uyghurs also suffering with China’s systematic
ethnic cleansing policy, land deprivation, forced
relocation and total loss of rich natural resources. .