China’s “Western development” project increased
development of infra structure such us roads,
buildings, railways and bridges to intensify the
exploitation of East Turkistan’s natural resources.
However, booming employment opportunity in East
Turkistan following the “Western development” project
only provided to the Han Chinese immigrants who mainly
employed at government offices, oil fields, business
sectors, constructions and special or seasonal
agricultural sectors. It attracted huge number of Han
Chinese flows into EasT Turkistan and raised “Residing
in Xinjiang” fever. According to Xinhua news net
report in January 28, more than half of the 30
thousand residential newly built houses sold to the
new Chinese immigrants who do not have Urumchi
residential paper, the immigrants that came from
China’s poorest provinces such as Gensu, Hunan.
Reason of the “Residing Xinjiang” fever was increased
from 2005 and the number of the new Han Chinese
immigrant residents reach one million 800 thousand,
since government launched the policy that encouraging
Han immigrants buying houses and offer them special
Since 2007, Chinese government again declared the new
policy that offering special discount price for Han
Chinese immigrant house buyers in East Turkistan.
According to our sources, most of the new houses in
Urumchi were build on the lands that gained through
confiscating Uyghurs homes and lands or force them to
sell their houses to the government with cheap prices.
Following the increasing of the new buildings in East
Turkistan, more and more Uyghurs became homeless in
East Turkistan.