Chinese mineral resource bureau
found large scale of iron ore production in East
According to Xinjinag daily news in january 26,Chinese
Regional Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources
expand the mine exploration to the two new areas
"outstanding Central Junggar, Tarim ring" and the
southern border of the three Xinjiang southern
prefecture. Investigation result in West kara mountain
coal district census provide a large development of
the mining area. in Chagang Nour newly discovered iron
ore and preliminary evaluation of the number three ore
body, the preliminary estimate of total resources
amounted to 193 million tons, Dimnalk where the
estimated grams of iron ore mine iron ore resources
130 million tons in the new district . Sodium
saltpeter mine exploration in the East Tianshan area
found a new five large and medium-sized mineral
explore resources of 70.9 million tons such as Xige
bi, Xiaocaohu district.