On August 8, a Turkish newspaper published an article "China needs Eastern Turkestan" devoted to Eastern Turkestan. According to the article China
regards Eastern Turkestan as its industrial reserve center. Official sources underline that oil, oil products, natural gas, cotton and cotton thread, and cattle reserves of Eastern Turkestan will be enough to feed
large part of Chinese population. Having this in mind Chinese government intends to invest into Eastern Turkestan more than 100 billion yuan ( or 108.7 billion USD) within forthcoming five years. These funds will be
invested into railway and road development, reconstruction of the Urumcqi and Kashgar airports, modification of existing power stations and construction of new power stations in the remote areas of Eastern Turkestan.
Within next ten years China plans to invest into Eastern Turkestan more than 900 billion yuan. Besides, Chinese government plans to engage Han Chinese from inner parts of China to work in oil and other industrial
sectors. In order to prepare living space for those migrants, the Chinese authorities plan to extend arable and living land at the expense of the deserts. Present situation clearly shows that all these
new trends on the modification and development of Eastern Turkestan are being done for the benefit of Chinese migrants from inner China. Besides, these new developments influence on the living standards of local Uyghur
people. According to the information of the Hotan Region Party Committee distributed in May, annual income of the local Uyghur peasants decreased for 120 yuan, while last year income was 723 yuan. Sutiation in other
Uyghur populated regions such as Kashgar, Atush is not better than in Hotan. The Living standards of the peasants of Kashgar and Atush region do not differ from that of the Hotan's peasants. Moreover, Chinese
authorities alienate the lands and yards from local peasants in Kashgar and Aksu out of their wills and use these premises and land for the needs of oil enterprises. Local authorities did not support
peasants and moreover closely cooperate with so called oil businessmen and help them in alienation of lands of the local people. Furthermore, in such cities as Urumchqi, Kulcha, Korla, Aksu the number of
unemployed Uyghurs is increasing permanently. Many Uyghur workers and highly qualified specialists are being dismissed from their positions. Thier places are taken by Chinese migrants, who moved from inner Chinese
regions. Present situation in Eastern Turkestan clearly shows that Chinese authorities plan to eliminate the Uyghur nation and to establish purely Han Chinese State. |