Anti-Chinese Actions in the City of Qumul
According to the information gathered by our
Information Center, political protests began again in
the Qumul region. On April 24 a demonstration took
place in the Qardowe district where people gathered in
the old city with slogans ” Let us revive the Eastern
Turkistan society”, “Let us chase out the Chinese!”
etc. Previously the police arrested 200 demonstrators
but failed to find the organizers. On April 26 the
secret police also organized a graphology tests in
primary and secondary schools in Qardowe.
According to the reports, in 1999-2000 in Qardowe
district a certain “Eastern Turkistan party” was
organized in the district center. It led the fight
against the Chinese regime, however, because of
internal conflicts, the police arrested some members.
Nevertheless, this year this organization stuck a
number of mass protests against the Chinese
authorities where some religious clerics joined them.
The Chinese authorities suppressed these protests and
arrested about 20 young Uyghurs.
This year on March 11 seventeen Uyghur youngsters were
arrested on charges of “weapon possession and causing
threat to the Chinese workers”.