Recent situation in Eastern Turkistan
Eastern Turkistan
Information Center
The policy of
oppression Uighurs and violating their human rights by
the Chinese regime have reached a peak in Eastern
Turkistan. Recently Chairman Jiang Zemin who visited
Germany is a clear evidence of how the Chinese regime
disguises its human right violations. During the last
two weeks, one can see that not only improving in
human right records took place in Eastern Turkistan,
but also the overall human rights situation has
worsened considerably.
The Uighur
Information Center obtained a copy of the “Kashgar
newspaper” in the Chinese language of March 28.
According to it, the Chinese regime in Kashgar region
held a court hearing and sentenced 14 Uighurs to
various prison terms for “ethnic separatist activities
and unlawful religious activities”, also 52 others
locals were arrested. The Chinese regime launched a
new fight in Eastern Turkistan, which is “the fight in
the ideological front against the ethnic separatists”.
The regime took several actions of restricting
national literature and culture. For example, a head
of the Kashgar publishing house was forced to retire
for publishing two works of our famous writer Turghun
Almas. Over 20 Chinese were employed in this
publishing house, who inspected all books published
during last 10 years. The Chinese also dismissed Ms.
Jemile Hesen, the chief editor of the women’s journal,
“Xinjiang women”.
The Chinese
regime restricts in all possible ways publishing of
literature works of young writers. Recently over 10
000 books in Uighur language were collected in Kashgar
and were burned out. The Chinese regime also restricts
the access of Uighurs to Internet and the outer world.
The authorities recently inspected the “650 station”
provider and took under their control all Uighur sites.
We can count many stories to illustrate the strict
Chinese policies regarding the right of Uighurs to
information access. According to our sources, the
Chinese regime has issued new instructions on April 7
regarding serious restrictions of foreign
correspondents’ activities. All levels of local
government do their best to minimize such things as
listening to “Radio Free Asia” and other English
speaking programs. Those who try to get uncensored
information from any available sources are severely
punished. The Chinese regime attempts to restrict the
links of the Uighur people with the outer world.
Also according
to our sources, the Chinese regime announced in its
political report that since 1995 “149 illegal
organizations” were banned. Recently only in Urumchi
city 3749 Uighurs are held in Bajihu and Shisen
prisons on political charges. The inmates have no
rights of even meeting with their relatives. Hashim
Haji, deputy inspector of the “Xinjiang Uighur
Autonomous region’s Public Security” made a speech
where he stated that in Uchturpan prison only and only
this year there were 117 inmates, all guilty of
“ethnic separatist actions”.
We all know how
the Chinese regime oppresses the religious activities
in Eastern Turkistan. So when Jiang Zemin mention in
Germany that human rights situation was “improving” in
China, we all had another evidence of how false and
hypocrite the Chinese regime is.