Freedom, Independence and Democracy for East Turkistan !













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ETIC REPORT 97 - 98 - 99
















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Turkish Press on Eastern Turkestan


The World Uighur Network News 2002

Not “Terrorism” But Fight Against Oppression!

     The Xinghua Chinese News Agency issued a press release on December 21st, 2001, titled
“The Eastern Turkistan terrorists will not escape justice”.

     The statement concentrates on three main issues: “History of the Eastern Turkistan problem”, “Terrorist crime committed by Eastern Turkistan terrorist groups” and “Links between the Eastern Turkistan terrorist organizations and the global terrorism”. The statement outlines that “ so-called Eastern Turkistan terrorist groups committed acts of grave crime over the last ten years”.
The press release eventually accuses the Eastern Turkistan liberation organizations of having close ties with Osama Bin Laden and his international terrorist network.

     We, the representatives of the Eastern Turkistanis in exile and the members of all Eastern Turkistan human rights groups, strongly deny all Chinese accusations made in the above-mentioned report.
We view such statements made in the Chinese media as a deliberate attempt to portray Uyghurs and their liberation movement abroad as terrorist groups in the eyes of the world community.

     The Xinghua Chinese News Agency outlined in its report that “there is no historical ground whatsoever for [calling this region] Eastern Turkistan. The foreign invaders used this term in the 19th century in an attempt to split our Motherland. Xinjiang is a an inseparable part of our nation.”

     Anyone who has at least some basic knowledge of the Central Asia’s history would know for sure that the Uyghurs, one of the most ancient Turkic ethnic groups, have lived in Eastern Turkistan for more than one thousand years. Uyghurs together with Uzbeks, Kazakhs and other Turkic people refer to their language as to “Turkic”; equally they define their identity as “Turkic”. Over centuries the Arabs, Persians and other neighbors called this region Eastern Turkistan. The Western Orientalists defined the Uyghurs’ territory in 19th century as Eastern Turkistan. This term has long been accepted as a proper geographic reference and as an official name of the region among the locals and the world community. “Eastern Turkistan” is the name by which our Motherland has been known worldwide; this the name of our sacred land!

     We would like to stress out that the term Xinjiang used by the Chinese invaders serves as a clear evidence of the Chinese occupation and oppression. “Xinjiang” means in the Chinese language “a new border, new territory”. “New territory” for invaders – this is an ample example of the typical colonial attitudes. The name Xinjiang was made up by the Chinese aggressors; it never was accepted by the people of East Turkistan!

     In its report the Chinese media center once again made lies stating that “Xinjiang was a part of our country since 60 B.D”. It is true that this territory was occupied for the first time by the Chinese in 60 B.D. But a colonization and oppression does not signify “uniting the country”. The Chinese daydream when they say that this “territory was always a part of our country”. The Chinese occupied at that time a certain part of the world named Turkistan which also included territories of present independent states of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. However, even though the Chinese once occupied the ancient Turkistan nowadays they do not raise any territorial claims to the new independent countries. The Chinese know very well that doing so would be extremely stupid of them!

     The Chinese occupants have used various dirty strategies for a long time, such policies are ultimately aimed at falsifying historical facts. All Chinese propaganda related to the Eastern Turkistan’ issues is nothing but gross lies.

     Not “Terrorism” But Fight Against Oppression!

     The Xinghua Chinese News Agency’s statement poses a question in its second part:
“ Which terrorist acts the Eastern Turkistan terrorists carried out?”. The report labels all existing Eastern Turkistan organizations and associations as illegal terrorist groups. Moreover, the movement of civil disobedience and human right activist protests in Eastern Turkistan are portrayed as “terrorist activities”.

     Every civil movement has reasons for establishment and declares its ultimate objectives. The Eastern Turkistan liberation movement cannot be viewed under any circumstances as “ the terrorist organization of external and internal enemies who try to split China”, as the Chinese communist regime pretends to depict it.
The Eastern Turkistan liberation movement is actually an organized way of resisting the brutal Chinese oppression. This movement aims at establishing the independent state and struggles for the protection of the human rights. The Eastern Turkistan liberation movement is not a “terrorist force” as the Chines claim it to be; it is rather a unity of the best representatives of the Eastern Turkistan nation who would sacrifice their lives for liberty and independence of their Motherland!

     The Eastern Turkistan people have suffered severely during the last 200 years of the Chinese occupation. The Eastern Turkistanis suffered a tremendous oppression under the Imperial Chinese ruling in the past; and they have suffered even more under the present Communist regime. Only within the short period between 1950 and 1980 more than 500 thousand Uyghurs were imprisoned, tortured and murdered on charges of involvement in “ nationalist separatist activities, illegal religious activities, attempts to split the country” and so forth. From 1990 until presently over 2 thousand Uyghurs were sentenced to death on the similar charges; and they all were executed the same day their verdicts were announced.

     Roughly 100 thousand people are detained presently. During last three months after the September 11 events over 3 thousand religious clerics were detained; more than 20 among them were executed immediately after their verdicts were announced.

     It is the Communist Chinese government which is a real terrorist organization.

     It is only natural for people to resist oppression. The Uyghur people realize that gaining true liberty is not possible without gaining real independence. The oppressed nation does have the natural right for resistance! The Uyghur people raised over 500 rebellions against the aggressors within the last 200 years of the Chinese occupation. Just in the last century the Uyghurs succeeded twice in proclaiming national independence and in establishing the Eastern Turkistan Republic -- in 1933 and in 1949. However, due to various reasons Uyghurs lost their independence and freedom to the Chinese invaders. Over the last fifty years of the Chinese invasion the Uyghur national liberation movement has never ceased fighting for freedom. The intensified struggle for the national liberation is not “sponsored by foreign enemies.” Neither the liberation movement is an Islamic fundamentalist organization. These lies are all made up by the Chinese Communist propaganda in order to deceive the public opinion. The struggle for Uyghur liberation has been going on for over 100 years now and it will continue until the full victory.

     The Xinghua Chinese News Agency especially mention the program and activities of two parties -- “Islamic Party of Reforms” and “Allah’s Eastern Turkistan Party”. Xinghua associates these parties with other Eastern Turkistan liberation organizations and claims that all anti-Chinese fighters are essentially terrorists.

     Once again we would like to stress out that presently there are more than twenty Uyghur organizations worldwide. They all have different programs and use different strategies in their activities.
The main recognized Uyghur organizations in exile are “Eastern Turkistan/ Uyghuristan/ National Congress”, “European Eastern Turkistan Unity”, “Eastern Turkistan Informational Center”, and the “Uyghur’s Youth World Congress”. These main Uyghur parties base their activities on peaceful political fight for liberation, advocacy of freedom and tolerance, recognition of only political and civilized solutions to the issue of Eastern Turkistan liberation.
Presently no forms of free political organization or mass protest against the government are possible in Eastern Turkistan and overall in China. It is easy to understand why some people turn to the armed resistance. Struggle for liberation has many tactics; undoubtedly the oppressed people have the right of choosing the form of resistance. For example, the Chinese authorities mention “ terrorist attacks” in 1995 and 1996 in Qashgar when the clerics of Heyitkah and Qawultoga mosques were killed. These assassinations were organized and carried out by the members of the above mentioned organization. The interesting side of this story is that the assassins and their victims were all of the Uyghur origin. We should ask ourselves: why would an Uyghur kill another Uyghur? Assassinated clerics actually were loyal to the Chinese government, they betrayed innocent Uyghurs and charged them with political crimes in order to gain benefits from their Chinese masters. So it is quite understandable that some Uyghur organizations attacked the national traitors in Eastern Turkistan in order to encourage population for resistance. Such fight is another way of national resistance.

     In its report the Xinghua Chinese News Agency mentioned famous events of the 1990 in Barin, February 5th 1997 in Ghuldja and 1999 in Hotan. Xinghua especially points out that ‘such gross actions were planned, organized and carried out by the terrorist Eastern Turkistan groups”. The protesters were in fact ordinary citizens who did even not know the terms “terrorists”, “terrorist organization” used by the Chinese propaganda. These protesters only fought against the brutal Chinese rule.

     This report states that “ the Eastern Turkistan groups have close links with international terrorism” and that “ the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement has close ties with Osama bin Laden who provided them with financial aid.” It is true that some Uyghurs fled in 1990’s to Afghanistan seeking refuge. They received military training there; however, it is not clear at all how close were the links between Osama bin Laden and “the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement”. Even if such links really existed there is no reason to label all acting Eastern Turkistan liberation organizations as “terrorist groups”. The Chinese media illogically attempts to charge all Uyghur organizations with the alleged wrongdoings of the single non-representative group. This organization is not a leading member of Eastern Turkistan liberation movement. It does not belong to major liberation organizations and associations. The “Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement” represents only itself. It is responsible for its actions, under any conditions it cannot be presented as the general Uyghur national liberation movement force.

     One should keep in mind that the armed resistance in Eastern Turkistan began in 1980’s and continued in 1990’s. For instance, In April of 1990 in Barin region large groups of protesters rebelled against the Chinese rule. They had no arms at all and fought with sticks and stones in their hands against the regular military and police forces. At that time the Taliban movement did not exist on Earth and literally a few number of people heard about a person called Osama bin Laden.

     Today the Taliban regime is overthrown and notorious bin Laden is hiding from the international justice. But the struggle for Eastern Turkistan’s independence is continuing. This struggle has nothing in common with Islamist radicals, bin Laden, and generally with terrorists of all kinds. This just fight for Uyghur national liberation will not cease until the full victory since it is not sponsored from abroad and since it draws sources from the Eastern Turkistan people and their immense will and desire for freedom!


© Uygur.Org  03/02/2002 09:46  A.Karakas