When we analyze
various issues described above we naturally come to a
conclusion that the Uyghur movement inside and outside
our homeland is facing very serious problems. The
question we all should ask ourselves is what we all
shall do?
First, the most important thing is to create a dialogue
with international organizations, to communicate
actively with the mass media, to gather and store
information in one center, and to inform the whole world
about the Uyghur national movement activities. It is
very important to avoid all kinds of misconceptions and
confusion in explaining the true nature of our movement.
Second, all Uyghur organizations inside and outside the
homeland have created among themselves relations on the
state, government and social, even informal level. They
must all concentrate on new tasks, break any relations
with organizations that confront America and Western
countries, and rebuild new relations with other
Third, Uyghur organizations inside and outside homeland
must review their principles and mission statements, and
develop new concepts that fit in the new world situation.
These concepts should stay in line with the general US
and European policies. In some Chinese official
statements the programs of the Uyghur organizations were
labeled as ‘terrorist”, so we must be very cautious in
this regard.
Fourth, talking about the American policies towards
Central Asia, we need to explain to all relevant parties
and to convince them that the Eastern Turkistan policies
make an integral part of the overall policies toward
Central Asia
Fifth, with regard to the Uyghur organizations acting in
Turkic Central Asian states, we have to remember that
the relations of these states with the US and China have
greatly changed. In the near future the relations with
the US may strengthen, so we need to take an advantage
of this situation and to build the basis for the closer
cooperation. The Uyghurs who live in Central Asia might
become the main force of Central Asian efforts in the
potential struggle of the US against China.
Sixth, in order to block the Chinese political
calamities, and to inform the public about the Communist
Chinese oppression of the Uyghur people, we need to
inform the public and the mass media about the history,
nature, objectives and achievements of our movement in a
timely and systematic order.
We need to tell the world community about the centuries
of the Chinese oppression of Eastern Turkistan, about
our main objective of overturning the communist regime,
of gaining independence for Eastern Turkistan people. We
have to tell everyone that we lead the struggle not with
weapons but with peaceful means. We have to inform the
public that the major part of the national liberation
movement condemns any violent actions. We say openly
that some cases of the terrorist attacks were undertaken
by revenging individuals who have no relations with the
national liberation movement whatsoever.
We also must inform the world community that the armed
conflicts in Eastern Turkistan did not break out in
1990s but lasted for the last 100 years, and that due to
the armed struggle of the Uyghur people they gained
independence and liberation in 1933 and 1944 when they
twice succeeded in establishing independent states. We
also must let everyone know that since 1950 the foreign
Uyghur organizations always acted in accordance with
international law and principles, and no Uyghur
organization so far was acknowledged as a terrorist or
illegal organization.
The fact that some Uyghurs fought in Afghanistan and
fought under the leadership of Hesen Mehsum in the
“Eastern Turkistan Islamic movement” is easy to dismiss.
In his interview to the Voice of America radio program
Hesen Mehsum said that he was not related at all to
Al-Qayide and that their main objective was to lead
military fight against China for the liberation of
Eastern Turkistan; Hesen Mehsum also said that he
totally condemned terrorists who killed innocent people
on September 11. Since this point has been cleared away
we do not need to waste time discussing aimlessly this
issue any longer.
Finally we also have to stress out that after 9-11
events the Uyghurs have new bright opportunities which
we can all realize if we act together, and if we take
proper actions in the present world political situation,
and if we all hold the national interests above our
personal interests!
January 30, 2002
Munich, Germany |