Weekly Political and Scientific Newspaper - A Eastern Turkistan News Agency Publication

     5.  Unfavorable factors

     After 9-11 events favorable conditions for Uyghurs were created. At the same time there are some negative factors, too.
Several Uyghurs fled to in Afghanistan and fought on the Taliban side; Americans recently captured them. Some Uyghurs also participated in the armed conflicts in Central Asia and were involved in cases of terrorist actions in Eastern Turkistan. This all has served a good excuse for the Communist China to oppress Uyghurs and their national struggle in general.

     Though the Chinese regime tries to portray the Uyghur national liberation struggle as a terrorist conspiracy, this attempt generally fails as groundless. However, the fact of involvement of Uyghur individuals in terrorist actions may cause some negative effect. China with its 1billion 300 million population, with strong economy and army, and a membership in the UN Security Council will submit easily to our demands. The Chinese government might take all possible actions including new deception tools like granting financial aid to third word countries to win their sympathies.

     Another point is that if Chinese regime faced a real threat of Eastern Turkistan breaking away from their empire, they might let America and other Western countries to use natural resources of this land. With such classical tactics they may preserve their control of the region.

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