Unabhängigkeit, Freiheit und Demokratie für Osttürkistan !
























Eastern Turkestan Information Center

Uygurischer Verein e. V
Vereinsregister  VR  15617
Lindwurm Str. 99
80337 München
Tel: 089/ 513 99 24
Fax:089/ 513 99 398

2002-05- 01

Special Report about the Human Rights Situation in Eastern Turkistan for the period of January-May 2002

After September 11 events the Chinese government blamed the Uighurs of terrorism and intensified its oppression of the Eastern Turkistan (Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous region in the west of China) people.
Western democratic states under the leadership of the USA, the United Nations, Amnesty International and human rights organizations expressed serious concerns about the Chinese violations of the Uighurs’ human rights under the pretext of fighting terrorism after September 11 events. The Chinese government ignored such criticism and continued its oppressive actions against the Uighurs.

Since the beginning of 2002 the Chinese regime not only oppressed the Uighur independence and religious activities, it also led an attack against the whole national educational and cultural systems. The Chinese authorities launched ‘an ideological campaign against the ethnic nationalist separatists” in February 2002.

We have gathered and categorized in 6 parts as follows the information regarding the human rights situation in Eastern Turkistan in the period of January-April 2002:

1) The Chinese Regime continued blaming Uighurs of “Terrorist Actions”

The Chinese political leadership used the tragic September 11 events as an excuse for their brutal oppression of Uighurs accusing them of “terrorist activities”. The Chinese regime demanded support from the world community for its unlawful policies. However, the Western Alliance under the leadership of the USA and the international human rights organizations clearly expressed that the Eastern Turkistan problem consisted of the human rights and democracy issues thus refuting the demands of the official China. Nevertheless, the Chinese government’s oppression of Uighurs reached its peak in 2002.

Official China declared its new policies in the official news agency’s report of January 21, 2002 that “ Terrorist forces in Eastern Turkistan would not escape punishment”. This article rejected existence of a separate Eastern Turkistan. It rather stated, “Xinjiang has always been an inseparable part of China”. The political events in Eastern Turkistan over last 10 years, namely mass protests, demonstrations and some cases of the armed resistance all were classified in the article as “terrorist activities”. The Uighur national liberation movement was linked falsely to Osama bin Laden and international terrorist organizations. (1).

On January 24, 2002, Mr. Sun Yushi, Press Secretary of the official Xinghua news agency, told the journalists:” We hope that all countries would support the China’s fight against the terrorist forces in Eastern Turkistan”. (2)

The Xinghua agency announced on February1, 2002, that “the number of illegal terrorist organizations in Eastern Turkistan was over 50”. The report named all the local and foreign Eastern Turkistan organizations as “terrorist groups”. (3). Generally speaking, over the last 4 months the Chinese government labeled the Uighurs as “terrorists” tens of times in various speeches, official reports, newspaper articles etc. We will not list all the official statements on this issue. However, it is quite important to mention that after the Chinese government failed to gain support of the Western Alliance including the USA in classifying the Uighur national movement as the terrorist conspiracy, the Chinese regime blamed the western democracies of “supporting terrorism”. For example, Mr. Wang Yi, Deputy Minister of the China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, gave a speech at the Munich Conference on Global Security on February 2, 2002 where he particularly mentioned, “the world community should back up the efforts of the Chinese government in fighting terrorists in Eastern Turkistan”. (4).

The Xinghua agency issued on January 21, 2002, the release named “Terrorists in Eastern Turkistan would not escape criminal charges” which stated that “China resists policies of double standards regarding the issue of fighting terrorism” (5) The Chinese government not only lied about the nature of the Uighur political organizations abroad, it has also did everything possible to blacken the image of national liberation movement in the Homeland as well. To that end the Chinese regime organized a number of exhibitions, conferences and meetings, which the local people were forced to participate in.

On January 25, 2002, a conference of religious clerics was organized in Urumchi, center of the so-called Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region. The clerics were told to read materials with all kind of calumny about the “terrorist” Eastern Turkistan liberation activists, and then they were forced to condemn them publicly. The religious clerics had no choice but submit to these demands. (6)

The Women’s Association of the Uighur Autonomous Region called a conference on April 3, 2002, which released a report named “Terrorist groups in Eastern Turkistan will not avoid punishment”. The conference participants were demanded to name the Eastern Turkistan national liberation movement forces as “terrorist organizations”. (7)

Also, the Chinese regime organized exhibitions since the beginning of this year in various cities like Urumchi, Ghulja and others. The exhibitions were dedicated to “proof of terrorist activities in Eastern Turkistan”. Workers of various enterprises, government offices, plants, religious clerics and students were ordered to visit these exhibitions. This was considered as an important political event. After visiting exhibitions, the citizens were requested to give speeches with accusations of Eastern Turkistan independence and national liberation fighters of “terrorist activities”.

On January 10, 2002, an exhibition was opened in Uchturpan region with the aim of “fighting 3 types of enemies” (ethnic separatists, dissident religious leaders and terrorists). Around 15 thousand people visited this exhibition. Citizens of the region, namely army staff, farmers, workers, students were all ordered to do so. (8). From January 4, 2002, the security department of the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous region organized an exhibition dedicated to “the fight against separatists and terrorists in Xinjiang”. (9)

2) The Growing Number of Political Arrests and Persecutions

During last 10 moths the Chinese regime intensified its oppression of the Eastern Turkistan people. Many innocent Uighurs were imprisoned on the pretext of “defending the unity of the nation”, and “fighting illegal religious activities”. Presently over 100 thousand innocent Uighurs suffer hardships and tortures in the Chinese jails because of their “political crimes”. Every year over 100 Uighurs get the death sentences and executed in public.

The Chinese government launched a campaign of “a strong attack against the national separatists”. This campaign only grew more aggressive after the September 11 events. According to the Uighur Information Center’s information, in the period from April 2001 until recently, the number of innocent Uighurs arrested on “political charges” grew over 6000. 2000 people were given various prison terms. Last year more than 130 Uighurs were shot dead in public.

The Information Center provided concrete and detailed reports of such cases in September 2001 and January 2002. The Information Center submitted the reports to the Amnesty International along with the detailed 24-page summary of the human rights issue in Eastern Turkistan. We have reviewed all information in the present report and we plan to submit the updated report with the account of events from January to April to the attention of the aforementioned organization.
Our Information Center managed to get a copy of the secret instruction spread by the Chinese authorities among the secret police. It states that since 1995 149 secret political organizations were crashed on in Eastern Turkistan. Now only in the Bajiahu and Shi She prisons in Urumchi city 3,749 Uighur political activists are detained. They all were not permitted to meet their relatives. (10).

Recently our Information Center declared that Mr. Hashim Haji, deputy secretary of the public security department of the so-called Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous region, delivered a speech at a closed meeting in the beginning of April where he said that
“From the beginning of 2002, 117 ethnic separatists were arrested in the Uchturpan district of the Aqsu province.”

The Chinese regime started in April 2002 the campaign of “a strong attack against the ethnic separatists”. On April 8 the political report was declared at the meeting in Urumchi city. According to the report, certain citizens Abbas, Emet Qasim, Muhtar and others were involved in organizing political groups in the Urumchi region and were “exterminated” during the “strong attack” campaign. The party meeting participants also declared that 48 political and religious organizations were active in the region; they distributed over 1200 political and religious items – books, leaflets etc. Do Lianti, deputy officer of the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous region’s public security force, gave a reply to the question how his department fought the “separatists”: “as the first step, the fight with the separatism has intensified, at the second stage we have led this political campaign for the last 5 months.” (11). Besides, the Information Center collected various materials from its own correspondents. According to our sources during the 4 moth period from January 2002 to April in Kashgar and Hotan regions of Eastern Turkistan several hundreds of Uighurs were arrested on political charges and were given various prison terms.

In the last week of March 2002 in 7 districts of the Hotan region more than 800 Uighurs were arrested on charges of being members of the “Hizb-ut-Tahrir” religious organization. In the Lop district, Yurungash county only around 70 people were arrested. (12).
On March 28, 2002 in Kashgar region 52 Uighur “ethnic separatists and illegal religious activists” were arrested on political charges. The same day the court in Kashgar sentenced 14 Uighurs to various prison terms on various political accusations. (13)

According to our sources, on April 2, 2002, the Hotan city and Qariqash region courts found 9 Uighurs guilty of “activities leading to the breaking the nation unity, to mass protests against the government, illegal religious activities” etc. They were given various prison terms (from 7 to 20 years).

We give a detailed list of these victims of injustice:

Sulayman Eysa, 28 years old, Kashgar (20 yr prison term)
Elham Memet, 23, Bayingholun Mongol Autonomous region (19 yr prison term)
Metturdi Tursun, 22, Bayingholun Mongol Autonomous region (11 yr prison term)
Ababekri Mehsut, 24, Hotan Qarikash region (10 yr prison term)
Abliz Mettohti, 25, Hotan city (7 yr prison term)
Abdumejit Eziz, 29, Hotan city (7 yrs)
Memet Mettohti, 30, Chira region (7 yrs)
Memetjan Memet, 31, Chira region (7 yrs)
Abdul Hemit Eziz, 34, Hotan city( 7 yr prison term) [14]

According to our sources, recently the Chinese government led a campaign against the “hostile religious movements (Wahhabism)”. Police conducted mass arrests in Kashgar city, Chasa district, Shamalbagh county on April 4 this year. The police arrested for no reason many innocent Uighurs young people accusing them of “Wahhabite activities”. [15].
Our correspondent reported from Qumul city that from January until presently in Qumul region Ehmet Niyaz was shot dead because of “his separatist activities”, more than 60 Uighurs were arrested, a among them 20 were accused of being members of the “Et Oq ya party”. [16].

From April 4 in Kashgar region Qoghan district in Chasa street department Nezerbagh and Shamal bagh districts the Chinese police led searches. Over hundred Uighur youngsters were arrested on charges of affiliation with Wahhabites. [17].

In Eastern Turkistan in the Chinese jails Uighur political prisoners of conscience suffer tortures and horrible sufferings. 26 political prisoners on April 4 were taken to the cemetery of the “revolutionist victims” were they have to confess their “sins”. Prisoners were humiliated in every possible way – not only they had to sweep cemeteries, they also had to give an oat of loyalty to “socialism, communism”. [18].

Our correspondent in the Homeland recently visited Qara Dowe district where he met Muhemmet, an Uighur young activist who was imprisoned because of political activities. Muhemmet told our reporter: “ The authorities organize all sorts of campaigns like “loyalty to the five star red banner”, “glorious party” etc. We cannot worship and pray. Worshippers if spotted by the guards, get severely beaten. Our guards read us the political propagandist materials and constantly demand us to swear loyalty to the communist ideology”. [19].

3) Arrests of Tursunjan Emet and Ablikim Yasin

The right of the Uighurs in Eastern Turkistan for the freedom of speech is seriously restricted.
Anyone who tries to express discontent with the regime’s policies would be immediately accused of “ethnic separatism” and “undermining government”. On January 1, 2002, the party conference was held in the People’s Palace in Urumchi city. Wang Lequen, Ablet Abdurishid and other party officials took part in this event. At this conference the Uighur poet Tursunjan Emet read his poems from the stage. He expressed the popular negative attitudes towards government policies in a symbolic form. The Uighurs expressed their support with big applauses whereas the Chinese officials were clearly unhappy about this happening. The following day the party officials gathered a meeting where they accused the poet of “propagating in a hidden form the hostile ideas and principles of ethnic separatism which harms the national unity”. The Chinese police arrested Tursunjan Emet after several days of intensive searches. On January 11 the Party meeting of the party cadres classified this case as the “crime in the area of the ideological front against the ethnic separatists”. [20].

The Chinese regime wages war not against the Uighur adult population, but also against the teenagers.
Starting from February 2002, the political campaign “of fighting the ethic separatism” and “re-education in the proper way” in Eastern Turkistan has strongly intensified. IN various meetings, conferences, exhibitions, school presentations, etc these themes told and retold to students hundreds of times. The student of the school # 4 in Kashgar city, Ablikim Yasin wrote an anonymous letter to the school principal on March 17 where he demanded to stop political campaigns and revert to teaching normal educational materials and subjects.

This incident was immediately reported by the school management to the high officials as an extraordinary case. The city party committee and secret police officials immediately conducted an investigation at the school. They conducted graphology studies. Identity of the “criminal” was established and 13-year-old Ablikim was arrested. School principal Perhat and Ablikim’s class supervisors were ordered to cease their duties temporarily. Osman Dawut, deputy director of the Kashgar city inspection office, was in charge of this investigation. Deputy secretary of the city part committee, Zhuo Jing Xi visited the secondary school on March 24. [21].

The arrests of Tursunjan Emet and Ablikim Yasin demonstrate vividly the scale of the brutal and merciless the Chinese oppression of the Uighur people, violation of their human rights.

4) Political Campaign “of ideological struggle with ethnic separatism” and “re-education of the masses”.

As we mentioned above, on the New Year celebration the Uighur poet Tursunjan Emet quoted his poems publicly which resulted in the political scandal. The Chinese regime used this case as a pretext for launching the overall “campaign in the ideological front against the ethnic separatism”.
On March 31, 2002, the Party committee of the so-called Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region called up a meeting dedicated to the issue of the ideological fight against ethnic nationalist separatists. Party secretary Wang Lequen gave a speech: “ The main objective of the mass media channels in Xinjiang including newspapers, radio, TV and book publishing houses is to fight with the ethnic separatism in all forms” [22].

On April, 2002, deputy Party Secretary Ismail Tiliwaldi gave a speech at the meeting of the ideological workers: “ We have to control all branches of the ideological front such as schools, education centers, we have to up bring the youth in the spirit of loyalty to the government and the Communist party” [23].
On February 8, 2002, he said at another meeting:
”we have led strong attack in almost all areas of ideological front, but we did not pay sufficient attention to the cultural area”. [24].

Wang Lequen paid though “sufficient attention” to the national cultural affairs. In 1990 he criticized the famous Uighur historian Turghun Almas because of latter’s “support for ethnic nationalist separatists” and ordered to watch closely Turghun. Also, Ehtem Omer was criticized for publishing in the “Xinjiang Women” magazine an article. The newspaper was fined for 50 thousand Yuan. Chief editor was dismissed from the post. Also, Uighur Doctor Tohti Mozat wrote a book about the Uighur culture and literature while he studied in Japan. For this reason in summer 2001 he was arrested by the Chinese authorities on his arrival to Urumchi and later he was sentenced to the 11-year prison term.
We can quote many examples like these ones.

This time with the launching of the campaign of “fighting with ethnic separatists in the ideological front” the Chinese regime also led an attack against the Uighur national culture. Starting from February everywhere in Eastern Turkistan the so-called “campaign in the ideological front against the ethnic nationalist separatists” started. Many meetings and conferences were organized in the wake of the campaign, which became priority #1.

Our correspondent reported that this time the ideological campaign of “re-education of masses” reached even secondary schools. In Kashgar city, Mush district a certain schoolteacher Abdurahman was dismissed from his job because of his “possession of wrong books and religious activities” [25].

The Chinese central government proclaimed on March 25, 2002, the campaign of close inspection of books, magazines and newspapers published in Eastern Turkistan. This statement says: “Ethnic separatists abroad spread hostile materials and thus undermine the political stability of the nation. We urge all official authorities and citizens to do everything possible in order to halt spreading such materials. Publishing of newspapers and magazines which propagate hostile ideas should be stopped immediately.” 26 different newspapers and journals ceased to exist. [26].

This time the authorities started the policy of cleansing of all mass media channels on the pretext of carrying out the policy of “setting order”. The Kashgar Uighur publishing house published 10 years ago the works of Mr. Turghun Almas, “Brief history of the Huns” and “Ancient Uighur literature”. For this reason the Chinese authorities inspected all publications made over last 10 years. The Uighur chief editor was forced to retire and a Chinese editor along with 20 Chinese employees were hired instead. [27].

The Chinese government recently built a radio station in the eastern part of Kashgar, Arslanbagh district in order to block the transmissions of Western radio programs. IN the western part of Eastern Turkistan people now cannot listen to the foreign Uighur language radio programs. [28]

This year on April 7 the Kashgar city municipality issued an order prohibiting any citizen having contacts with foreign correspondents and journalists. [29]. Our correspondent informed us that on March 28 on the Dongshen garbage collection point the Chinese authorities organized burning of books, magazines and journals. On April 10 in the Kashgar region about 10 thousand volumes were gathered by the authorities on the pretext of “eradicating hostile and illegal materials”. [30].
The campaign “of fighting ethnic separatists in the ideological front” also involved struggle of the Communist regime with the Internet. This was demonstrated watching closely the Internet cafes opened and operated by the Uighur entrepreneurs. At the end of March in Kashgar city 6 young Uighurs were arrested and interrogated for several days for reading “prohibited or dubious” websites. [31]

Also, at the end of March the Chinese authorities brought a specialist from China who installed “station 650” which basically restricts the access to Internet in Eastern Turkistan. According to our sources, the number of sites in Uighur and English languages aimed for the Eastern Turkistan population has been over 200; almost all of them fall in the prohibited sites list (in the Chinese terminology “undesirable and false sites”) [32]

5) Chinese government forces religious clerics to turn mosques into the political interrogation and information gathering centers

The Chinese government always paid close attention to the religious activities in eastern Turkistan. After September 11 events the oppression of the religious activities has intensified in this region.
The fact that Uighurs are a Muslim people gave a good excuse to the Chinese for such oppression.
From the beginning of this year, during the campaign of the “ideological fight with the nationalist ethnic separatists”, the control over the religious clerics grew much stronger than in the past. Certain ideological campaigns like “patriotic upbringing and re-education”, and others were organized during this period of time. On March 1 the Urumchi city government called a meeting of the officials where the question of close control of all religious activities was raised. Deputy Party Secretary He Yiming said, “Religious clerics have to teach their parishes the importance of fighting the nationalist ethnic separatists, to teach them patriotic ideas”. [33].

On March 4 in Kashgar city the conference dedicated to the ideological struggle with the ethnic separatists the Deputy Party Secretary Jiang Jien gave a speech: “those who teach schoolchildren and students religious ideas shall be severely punished. If students get involves in offering prayers and other religious activities, their parents and teachers shall be punished”. [34]

At the end of January a conference of the “3 level cadres” opened in Kashgar city. Deputy Party secretary of the City Party committee Zhang Jian gave a speech regarding religious activities: “party officials should build up steady and continuous relations with mosques and religious clerics, the ideological propaganda in this direction should strengthen and the overall control of the religious activities should be intensified. Religious leaders should urge the believers to participate in building socialism.” [35].
According to our sources 213 religious leaders were taken to the conference of “political re-education” in Urumchi city. They returned from this party event on March 23. At meeting which marked the completion of this political training course the party official of the Uighur Autonomous region, Zhong Yujong, said that religious clerics will now contribute to the government policies of educating Uighurs in the right spirit, in the “exploring the West» policies and in fighting the ideology of nationalist ethnic separatists. [36].

The Chinese government has banned carrying out by believers’ regular religious rituals and practicing norms such as worshipping, fasting etc. When Muslims celebrated the most important religious holiday, Kurban Heyt, in Kashgar city the Chinese authorities forced over 300 students to attend offices so that they could not celebrate the holiday. [37].
At the end of February, in the Kashgar region, in the Fayzabad region, Shaptul district 12 students were punished for involvement in “religious activities”. Their fellow students faced various forms of discrimination. [38].

According to the information gathered by the Information center from Hotan city, on march 19 in Hotan region, Islamabad district, in one quarter a 50 old woman was conducting a prayer (namaz). Her fellows, who joined her in offering a prayer, did it in close proximity to the primary school. Although nothing really happened and public order was not disturbed, the local authorities accused a group of worshippers of “illegal religious activities”. The Hotan city authorities conducted inspections and searches and penalized the participants of the religious gathering. Jelil Mehsum was fined for 2,500 Yuan, Eziz Mehsum – for 2,000 Yuan, other 23 worshippers – for 200 Yuan each. Also in the Islam Awat district all religious clerics were forced to attend the 10-day conference of “religious re-education” on April 18. Administrative workers of the Islam Awat district were also punished to various degrees. [39].

Also, the Chinese government has restricted in recent years building of mosques in Eastern Turkistan. The existing mosques were closed on various pretexts. For example, within 2 weeks staring April 15, in the Hotan region, Yengi bagh district 3 mosques were closed because of its “proximity to schools”[40].

6) Chinese regime speeds up the policy of assimilation the Uighur education system

On March 9 2002 in the so-called Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous region’ Party committee’s secretary Wang Lequen announced that from that date on in all Uighur school all teaching of all subjects would be conducted solely in the Chinese language from the 3rd grade onwards. Communist Wang said: “The Uighur language is not fit to the modern requirements of science and technology, teaching in Uighur language results in inferiority of the education level of Uighur schools”. [41]. This statement of Wang Lequen not only violates the right of the Uighur people for sustaining and developing its mother tongue; it does violate the principles of the National Autonomous region’s constitution and the Law of Language and National Script.
Recently the UNICEF published a list of “ceasing languages”. The Uighur tongue is mentioned among 3000 languages, which are steadily disappearing from the overall 6000 world languages

Generally speaking, the Chinese government is violating the human rights of Uighur population of Eastern Turkistan in all possible ways. The Chinese regime also does its best to deceive the world community about the nature of its oppressive actions.
The Uighur organizations abroad appeals on behalf of all Uighurs to the democratic nations under the leadership of the USA to pay close attention to the situation with human rights in Eastern Turkistan and to help Uighurs resist Chinese Communist oppression. We urge the democratic nations to push more pressure on the Chinese government in order to force it to respect human rights of its citizens.

2002, 1 May


(1) Xinghua news agency, 2002, 21 January
(2) Xinghua news agency, 2002, 24 February
(3)The Xinghua agency announced on February1, 2002
(4) Xinghua, 2002, 6 February
(5) Xinghua, 2002, 6 February
(6) Xinjiang news agency, 2002, 28 January
(7) Xinjiang news agency, 2002, 4 February
(8) Xinghua news agency, 2002, 15 January
(9) Xinghua news agency, 2002, 22 February
(10) World Uighur Network News (WUNN) news 2002, 29 March
(11) WUNN 2002, 9 April
(12) WUNN 2002, 1 April
(13) WUNN 2002, 11 April
(14) WUNN, 2002,15 April
(15) WUNN 2002, 23 April
(16) WUNN 2002,30 April
(17) WUNN, 2002,15 April
(18) WUNN, 2002,15 April
(19) WUNN 2002, 30 April
(20) “Xinjiang newspaper” 2002 13 January, WUNN 2002 15 January
(21) WUNN, 2002 1 April
(22) Xinjiang newspaper 2002 1 February
(23) Xinjiang Economic newspaper 2002, 5 February
(24) Xinjiang Economic newspaper, 2002, 9 February
(25) WUNN 2002, 9 April
(26) WUNN 2002, 28 March
(27) WUNN 2002, 5 April
(28) WUNN 2002, 11 April
(29) WUNN 2002, 11 April
(30) WUNN 2002, 11 April
(31) WUNN 2002, 20 March
(32) WUNN 2002, 5 April
(33) WUNN 2002, 4 March
(34) WUNN 2002, 13 March
(35) WUNN archive
(36) WUNN 2002, 3 April
(37) WUNN 2002, 20 March
(38) WUNN 2002, 20 March
(39) WUNN 2002, 25 April
(40) WUNN 2002, 26 April
(41) WUNN 2002,24 March


© Uygur.Org  04/06/2002 80:30 A.Karakash